View Full Version : CB Ocellaris with CB Onyx Ocellaris.

07/10/2004, 01:00 PM
Hello there,

I recently purchased a second hand 66g tank from a friend which included established live rock, live sand, Remora protien skimmer, pumps, supplies and livestock. I've had it set up in my home for 1 month now, and the water parameters are all good so I'm starting to consider adding 1-2 more fish to my tank.

I have a Potter's Angel Fish (3 inches), Flasher Wrasse (3 inches), Yellow Clown Goby (a little less than 1 inch), Regular colored CB Ocellaris Clownfish (1.5 inches). Brazillian Gramma (3.5 inches) Queen Conch and a Tri Maxima Clam. (Also a dozen or so Hermits and snails)

(Before you say anything... no the Angel fish never bothers the maxima clam, She's very busy grazing on algae. The current is also moderate over the clam and the Angel I think, is too lazy to fight the current. the angel does however, perpetually follow the wrasse around, without nipping. He just likes to hang around it! Quite funny.)

I read the Clownfish articles posted sticky above. Particularly
the "Pairing Clownfish Article" particularly the "Add a new clownfish to an existing clownfish technique" article (thank you, btw).

I'm interested in adding an CB Onyx Ocellaris to the tank, but I was told by the LFS (yay first time I used the acronyms!) that it was higly inadvisable.

I noted in some threads that some said the Onyx would be no problem, where as others were conflicting.

While I realise this isn't a science. I would like to know more information about concerns of such a pairing... Success stories would also be great.

I would like to use the "Grow Out" technique. The angel never pesters the existing clown, but I worry for a juvenile.

Thanks for your input.

07/10/2004, 04:09 PM
I have never heard of a onyx A. ocellaris, could you clairify what species you are talking about?

07/10/2004, 05:21 PM
Sorry, I mean a Black Ocellaris.. As per this thread...


I believe I saw some black with little orange nosed ocellaris' at the pet store. Was I mistaken?

07/11/2004, 02:40 PM
They are the same species and will be fine as a pair as long as you follow the basics of pairing clownfish.