View Full Version : DIY PC coralife ez-ballast mod

06/28/2004, 02:26 PM
Ok! Here's the deal.

Last month i bought 2 of those coralife ez-ballasts. Without realizing that a company would be stinky enuf to make both straight and square pin setups i bought them for 40 bucks total! What a deal! Cept....i needed them for a JBJ nanocube. The straight pin bulbs only come in 36 watt:rolleye1: . This means TOO BIG! So i need either those cool lil teeny weeny sockets for square pins and directions on how to install it into my wiring or just how to use shrink wrap or some other cheapo-diy method of connecting these to 32w square pins.


06/28/2004, 02:31 PM
Get molex connectors and shrink wrap.

You can DIY your connectors with them.

Do a search for molex and you will see the threads with pics.


06/28/2004, 03:23 PM
Thank you.
I did a search and checked all 12 threads that came up with molex. None of them had pics or anything so im kinda lost.

I did a yahoo search and i foudn that they are just your normal fan plugs. That will help wiht the fan installation. But still i would like to know what type you use for square pin bulbs. Any help with that?

06/28/2004, 03:28 PM
Basically you put the female connectors (without the plastic plug) on the ends of your wires and shrink wrap them.

These "sockets" slide on the pins of the bulbs.

I will try to find a link to a picture.


06/28/2004, 03:30 PM
AHHH i get it! Thanks a lot!

06/28/2004, 03:34 PM
No Problem!


06/28/2004, 04:11 PM
I just solder my wires to the bulb. I'm not going to pay hellolights $20 for a fricken 10 cent connector.

Shoestring Reefer
06/29/2004, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by JoeMack
I just solder my wires to the bulb. I'm not going to pay hellolights $20 for a fricken 10 cent connector. Would a place like Radio Shack have these? Then you'd only pay 75 cents for a 10 cent connector.

06/29/2004, 09:05 AM
Yes, any electronics parts store will have them.

I think that Grainger has them as well.

I just had a bunch from my geek days (did those ever end?) in a box.
