View Full Version : Substrate- Aragonite? or Sand?

06/13/2004, 01:18 PM
Im going from a 50gal to a 125gal a little later this year. I currently have an aragonite substrate. Thinking of going with something much finer like sand. Would like to get some input on what types/brands are being used and some pics if possible. Also any knowledge why aragonite may be more beneficial over sand if anyone has such info. Thank you in advance.

Randy Holmes-Farley
06/15/2004, 03:26 PM
I think many people may be confused by your question as many (myself included) use aragonite sand.

What kind of sand were you thinking of using, and what are you using now?

06/15/2004, 08:59 PM
Aragonite ( atleast the kind I am using) comes in small pebbles about 1-2mm. big. I have some hunks here and there that are larger. Maybe up to 8mm. big. I still dont consider this anything like pebbles or rock I just use the word pebble to describe it because it is larger than what I would consider sand. Sand comes in much, much finer grains. Again, I am comparing it to the aragonite that I use ( ??I think Carribe Sea??). Maybe there is a much finer aragonite out there that others use? I just want to get something without the bigger hunks because my crabs and shrimp keep digging this stuff out of the substrate and dragging it up to the front of the tank. I can scoop all the big stuff out and it will be back in a few weeks. I dont know where they keep getting it from!! So what Im asking is do you people use aragonite( slightly to moderately coarse) or sand ( very fine to fine) and what brands or from what origin. Thanks again.

06/16/2004, 05:19 AM
I follow you. I would not use the bigger aragonite after a year or so it turns many different colors and looks dirty all the time we have really big aragonite from 1/4 inch up to 3/4's in our 120g and I hate it. we also have a 29g with fine aragonite about the size of salt grains after 8 months it still looks new. dont try getting large chunks and putting fine on top either cause the fine stuff will end up on the bottom, I also made this mistake. so I would recomend the finest you can find.

Randy Holmes-Farley
06/16/2004, 07:19 AM
Maybe there is a much finer aragonite out there that others use?

Yes, there is. The oolitic aragonite that I and others use is smaller. Many folks buy it at Home Depot, but you can also get it here:


06/16/2004, 07:50 AM
I used a combination of oolitic aragonite from my lfs and fine silaca sand in multiple layers. Seems to work OK and my DSB looks full of stuff. I do have 200lbs of southdown in my garage awaiting the next project.