View Full Version : Possible to keep these fish

06/08/2004, 07:41 AM
I was wondering if it would be possible to keep these fish, compatability wise, in the same tank?

1 pseudochromis
1 or 2 blennies
1 or 2 gobies
1 mandarin

I know the pseudochrmis is evil so he would go in last.

The tank has about 5 seperate well built caves, if that makes a difference.

Thank you

06/08/2004, 09:57 AM
I have (from that list): 1 Purple Pseudo, 1 Algae (Lawmower) Blenny, 1 mandarin (no gobies yet, but a clown goby is on my list).

My purple pseudo is pretty tame, he doesn't bother my algae blenny or my mandarin. Just make sure you have ALOT of LR for the mandarin and make sure you've read up on their care. Mine is still fat and happy at 8 months or so, although my clownfish and sixline occasionally harass him.

So from what I see..your list is ok..the pseudo, as you mentioned, can be a terror..I lucked out.


06/08/2004, 10:04 AM
Wait until your tank is at least a year old and has a stable and vast pod population before getting a mandarin. I got allot of pods by gettin LR Rubble from Premium Aq.

Check out the mandarin FAQ: http://www.reefcentral.com/modules.php?s=&name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=3

06/08/2004, 08:17 PM
Don't worry all these wont be going in all at once...it's just a prospective final stock...

So from what i understood you believe this could technicaly work?

Thanks again

Gerard Alba
06/08/2004, 08:52 PM
Sure...Good luck.

06/09/2004, 08:00 AM
that's allot of perching speceis, in a 77 you can have more stock than just that. What about free swimming fish? A school of green chromis, a dwarf angel, a small tang?

06/09/2004, 09:26 AM
I was thinking of a Flame Angle or Yellow Tang since my girlfriend is begging me to get one...so in the end i probably will


Thanks to everyone for their input

06/09/2004, 09:36 AM
So far you have a nice list of passive fish. I would keep it this way so if you want later on you can get one nice (usually expensive ;) ) fish, like a purple tang.