View Full Version : Lamotte Calcium Hardness test kit

06/02/2004, 09:48 PM
I bought one of these test kits a little bit ago to monitor my dosing of b-ionic to my 75. I assume whoever is reading this is familiar with the procedure of the test.

My question is when do I stop pushing the titrator? How blue/purple does the solution need to be?Do I stop right after the original red coloring changes to purple? Or do I stop at blue (which I can barely tell)? I think that the color is really confusing. As far as I know I'm not colorblind. On a side note my salifert alkalinity test is a breeze to figure out since the bright blue color changes to a pink/red.

06/03/2004, 04:38 PM
You could ask in the chemistry forum. I don't use that particular test, but you might get some response in the other forum.

Usually, with this type of test, you wait for the solution to turn a true blue, which might require some swirling and waiting.