View Full Version : Lagoonal Refugiums, Let's See Them!!

09/19/2001, 10:36 PM
Ok, i've suddenly been bitten by the lagoon bug. I'm setting up a 20 long w/ DSB, mangroves, cauleurpra, critters, and maybe grasses. So let's see yours!! I've seen StrikeThree's and it was impressive. Snailman i have heard has one, but it's not on his site.


09/20/2001, 12:16 AM

09/20/2001, 12:29 AM
I used to have one

a 42 long, 48x18x12 (L W H)

it was kind aneat one light on one end, clams stacked there and the far end no light, all macro etc

my bangaii and sailfin tang was in it (tang was like 2 inches etc) and no live rock in it, due to it shared to a 58 gallon and a 30 gallon sump.

i didnt have enough flow, I got cyno quite frequently, tore it down when I moved.

I am thinking of grabbing a MRT from a LFS here, 200 i think they want for it, I am not sure.. and set it up in my bedroom or computer room - no room tho :(

09/22/2001, 01:48 PM
Well, i was once again searching the worthles GARF site and finally found something i might give them a pat on the back for. Their mud filters seem very real without any bogus claims or pictures. Heres some of the images:
Garf mud filters (www.garf.org/new12p2.html)

Go half way down the page and you'll see what i'm working towards. Anyone know where to get this type of mud, other than Miracle Mud???
