View Full Version : 7G Dimensions?

05/11/2004, 01:40 AM
So what are they. Bow Front.........

05/11/2004, 01:46 AM
this is what XXangelzdustxx posted the dim's as,I bought it from her..
The tank is 11 1/2" from front to back, 12" wide and 12 1/2" high.

I assume the 11.5" is at the widest,bowed front.I'll pull out the measuring tape 2morrow.Also the back has a built on fuge which wouldn't need to covered in case I get a clip on light for some macro.

05/11/2004, 01:47 AM
here's the link

05/11/2004, 02:00 AM
And you didn't say that before cause..............?

Anyways them bulbs seem kinda too long, YOu were saying MHs, Know how long 70 Watters are? Or are they 75w?

Either way, your tank. Find something that'll fit and we'll take care of me.

Me and me and me agree..........

05/11/2004, 02:09 AM
well..I know that ushio is out of stock on the bulbs I was looking into(either 70 or 150w,I forget) till June,so I'm thinking I may have no choice but the pc's.
And, the two of me agree with all three of youTalk to you soon.

05/11/2004, 02:18 AM
150 / 7 = 21.42857143........... W / G. Stuff better grow like weed........

Either way, you buy, we help install if need it.

Are you going mi-mi's now?

U seriously gotta get a messenger.................

How about www.marinedepot.com I could pick them up on the way there.

05/11/2004, 02:28 AM
well, I'm only keeping softies but I just won't be happy w/out Chico and he needs the halides..If I keep my living room at 76 and a tall 16" fan blowing over the top while we're gone you think it's be cool enough??Even though the lights would only be 3-4" above the water.
No,that won't work,it'll fry everything..I'm gonna need to get a pendant and rig up some type of "out of the wall hanger thing".
I should hit the pillow,my boss will be here at 8am.

05/11/2004, 02:30 AM
Not fair i had mine for longer and it has no name.

Nighty night.

Tell me when you decide.

05/11/2004, 02:37 AM
you decide.Which should I get?
I like the dome shaped(not the bell) glossy black ones w/a 14k?