View Full Version : That unsightly mess in the sand bed next to the glass..

04/13/2004, 06:31 PM
I have a 125 with about a 4 to 5 inch dsb. It's been up and running about 9 months. Gone through the usual ups and downs with algae. Everything seems to be coming together now.

My question is,,,Is it ok to run a glass scrapper down into the sand bed next to the front panel and try and remove some the mess next to the glass,
Its not severe, however it would make the tank look better..I just don't want to start releasing a bunch of bad stuff into the tank...
Thanks, Roger.

04/13/2004, 09:19 PM
I stir up my bed all the time- on the top layer up to about 1" deep or so. I'm not saying you should go stir up your sand, but cleaning the glass near the sand is certainly fine in my experience.


04/13/2004, 11:14 PM
Cleaning you galls down to the sand shouldn't be a problem, If your talking about the black, red and brown looking crud that builds up below the level of the sandbed I don't think you should.

04/14/2004, 02:15 AM
Yeah for sure if you're talking below the surface of the sand, don't bother cleaning it.

04/16/2004, 10:57 PM
I would agree a little is fine. The main factor is bacteria.Period. If you have an old tank and want to move the sand? Please do not. If it is a simple stiring in a established tank? Please do! Some corals will eat ditritus. What your corals will eat and what is in you sand is another question.