View Full Version : Id these sheimps and should i get some of them?

04/07/2004, 04:38 PM
Hi these shrimps are at the lfs could you please ID the ones marked with a red arrow and the ones marked with a black one?
i Believe the ones with the black arrow are sexy shrimp i erad a lot about them and it seems they would make a great addition to my tank. however the only problem is that they are way too small as you can see in the picture they are less than half a cm. the thing is that this is the first time the lfs gets any of these and they usually get shipments only once every 1-2 months and only one comapany would send livestock till here and it's from singapoore and i haven't had good experiences with them on fish or critters. i don't mind waiting for these to grow up alittle as i heard they grow fast, however i'm afraid tehy'll become luch for any of my fish i have the followings in my tank:
large semicirculatus
maroon clown
pair of clarcki
hyppo tang
coral beauty and will be adding a wrass and a powder blue or a foxface and may be both if they continue to behave in the small Q tank they are in do you think any of these fish could eat them?
i also have two cleaner shrimps a fire shrimp and some hermit crabs do you thinkn they would fight?
they are at the lfs in a tank with 2 purple tangs and some anthias and small hyppo tangs and none of these approaches them although they are ni the open and not hiding.
also i could keep them in my Q tank which is an introductin tank now and has no copper in it.
they look great and i would get each small one for 5 usd only. so do you think i should get some and how many of themif yes?

04/07/2004, 05:05 PM
I'm not sure from the picture. I suggest you post your question on the Ask Dr Ron Forum. If the picture is clear enough, he'll know.

Best of luck,


04/07/2004, 05:16 PM
Hi there.

The tiny shrimps label with the black arrow looks like sexy anemone shrimps, been looking for those myself. The shrimps label with the red arrow appear to be some sort of Saron shrimp. Check liveaquaria.com for more details.


Wee Man
04/07/2004, 05:42 PM
the small ones are sexy shrimp, they are really neat. they are called sexy shrimp because they move there rear up and down...SEXY!! they are great small shrimps.

04/07/2004, 05:44 PM
Joestar is correct on this one. I wouldn't suggest the SARON shrimps though since they are known to munch on corals!

04/07/2004, 05:45 PM
almost forgot, the sexy shrimps are great in groups. they are now becoming more readily available in the hobby. You should see them pop in most LFS's and stores soon!

04/08/2004, 04:13 AM
I have a saron and had no problems had him quite a while now aswell. BUT i do feed regualar and always give him a treat so maybe thats why!
