View Full Version : Phytoplankton for sale

03/27/2004, 05:35 PM
I am selling 2 Liter bottles of phytoplankton (nano) for 5.00 each. Can ship UPS ground for around 7-8 dollars depending on amount and zip code.

Corals and More
03/31/2004, 01:00 AM
This might sound dumb but you mean a regular soda bottle size right? I ask because someone told me they had 2 liter bottles and they were actually the smaller bottles you buy at a convience store:(

03/31/2004, 09:44 AM
$7-$8 total or $12-$13 total.

Also, if I got a 16-20oz bottle when someone told me it was 2 liter, I'd be pi$sed.

03/31/2004, 10:16 AM
You've got PM

Corals and More
03/31/2004, 10:20 AM
I would like one 2 liter bottle. My zip code is 17022. Please give the total needed. Do you take PayPal? If so, I need your PayPal address too.

04/05/2004, 09:45 PM
These are 2 Liter Pepsi bottles. I would be angry too if someone stated they were 2 liter and they where not. My metric is not very good so I don't know how many ounces 2 L is but its a big bottle. It is about 8 dollars in shipping alone(UPS ground), then add the price of the phyto. Of course the amount depends on your location also. If you send me your zip I can calc out UPS ground cost. Could try to ship reg mail which would be cheaper. Thanks,

04/05/2004, 10:56 PM
I would love 2 bottles. Let me know if you take paypal. My zip is 73003.

04/05/2004, 11:54 PM
mmmm doesn't phyto need to be kept refridgerated once it is no longer lit and aerated?
I brew my own phyto too and if I forget to put it back in the fridge for a day it smells pretty bad.
While it is still cool out it may not be an issue but once summer is here there could be a lot of stinky green bottles in brown vans everywhere. :)
Might want to 2 day or overnight ship to those far out from you.
Just a suggestion.

Rod Buehler
04/06/2004, 08:01 AM
$5 plus 7-8 shipping.. wouldnt DT's be cheaper? I know that the 7 oz bottle of DT's is equivelent to more that 2 liters of unconcentrated phyto. Not to mention there is a blend of phytos in DT's.

04/06/2004, 08:05 AM
Yeah, DT's is now a blend of 3 algaes. Too bad one of those algae's is freshwater strain that they put in there so we can't use DT's as a starter for out own cultures. DT's makes it sound like they were doing us a favor adding in a freshwater algae, when in fact they are NOT. Personally, I don't want to add any freshwater algae to my tank.

04/06/2004, 10:36 AM
Phyto should be refridgerated once it is not airated. Most of the phyto I sell is picked up here so shipping is new to me, thanks for the recommendations.
You can still culture three algaes, Nanochloropsis, Isocrysis, and Tetraselmis and if interested check out florida-aquaculture.com
I don't think I want to be bothered with shipping in the warmer months since that would require ice packs or dry ice and would not be cost effective. Most of the people who purchase the phyto live close by and just pick it up here.
DT's definately would be cheaper if you are far from MI. My phyto is really best for people who can pick it up. I am in the process of culturing two more algaes and will have them in two weeks.

04/06/2004, 10:46 AM
You are right, you can culture Nanochloropsis, Isocrysis, and Tetraselmis. Problem is DT's is Nannochloropsis,N. oculata, and Chlorella sp. Chlorella sp will not grow with Nano, so if you try to use DT's as a starter culture the culture will crash because the Chlorella sp will die and foul the culture. I presonally grow my own Nano from starter disks from FAF.

I was just tyring to let people know that if they were planning on using your Nano as a starter culture that is great, but that DT's will not work as a starter culture.