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03/19/2004, 02:40 PM
went lfs saw a purple sea apple.nobody knew anything about it.i have 75 gallon reef tank.can i add sea apple and what type of care do they need.

03/19/2004, 02:56 PM
pretty sure people are going to tell you that they are hard to keep...and they can potentially nuke your tank by realeasing holothurin or expelling their internal organs if stressed or threatened. I don't much about them either, however, I have done a little reading about them. They are reefsafe in that they won't eat your fish or corals since it is a filter feeder. Needs heavy circulation and needs to be intentionally fed on a regular basis. And, I guess acclimating it is kinda difficult. I'm sure some of the more knowlegeable people will have more to say, or make any corrections to what I have said.

03/19/2004, 03:00 PM
Sea apples are filter feeders. They have a poor long term survivability record in reef tanks. They give off a poweful toxin when they die, which has been known to wipe out entire tanks.

03/19/2004, 03:17 PM
I know a gal who had one and one day it was releasing these red egg looking things. The fish were eating them up and she thought "Great, free food" Shortly after that the fish all died. She took it back to the store. Pretty as they are, I'd avoid it.

03/19/2004, 05:22 PM
i am not getting a sea apple