View Full Version : food for elegant coral

03/16/2004, 11:19 PM
for the past 2 days, my elegant coral is not open as big as before. I wonder what kind of food they will eat?


03/16/2004, 11:23 PM
These corals have a horrible record in captivity. It is most likely dying and there isn't much you can do for it. In the future I would recommend researching each coral before you buy it. These are notorious for being sold by the LFS as "easy" just to make a sale. Good luck though, if you do enough searching on these forums you will be able to find info from someone who has kept them successfully.

03/16/2004, 11:29 PM
yike...i didn't know about this. It was bigggggggg and pretty for the last 3 weeks. This remind me of the old day when i used to have fresh water. Buying blood parrot and a month later finding that the red color was ink inject in the fish and it's fading. hehe

03/17/2004, 12:08 AM
For many years, elegance corals (Catalaphyllia jardinei) were among the easiest corals to keep in aquaria. Over the past five years, most entering the trade are doomed because of a condition for which there is no known cause or cure. In this condition, the coral adopts a relatively swollen oral disk with a fringe of unextended tentacles. The coral tissue eventually shrinks, and the coral dies despite all manner of experimental intervention. - Eric Hugo Borneman
Check out this thread:http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=310425 (http://archive.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=310425)

John Kelly
03/19/2004, 07:26 PM
Did it ever open up big again?
How long have you had it?

03/19/2004, 07:41 PM
There's an excellent coral food recipe in a sticky thread at the top of the coral forum. It's a bit of a read, but a good choice.

03/19/2004, 08:01 PM
i have it for over 3 months. They are not open up in the last few days. I guess they are dying slowly now. :(

03/19/2004, 08:31 PM
I'm sorry to hear that. If the coral doesn't open at all, it won't feed. Sorry.

If you have some time, take a look at the thread posted above.

03/19/2004, 08:39 PM
I had an elegance coral for several years and plan to get another for my new tank. I fed it a piece of seafood (whatever we ate) soaked in a vitamint supplement at least twice per month. When I first bought it it was about 7 inches fully expanded. When I lost it (died with most of my tank when I moved - diff. story) it was atleast 14 inches fully expanded; it took up the center of my 225 gal tank. This was my favorite coral! Feed it fish, shellfish, anything it'll take and ensure good lighting.