View Full Version : what order?

03/16/2004, 08:40 PM
I wanted to know it what stages should the LR, sand, salt, water be added. What order is preffered with little draw backs.

03/16/2004, 08:50 PM
Personally, I premix the saltwater to the correct SG in a separate container. Then, I add a pump and a heater and let the water sit for a few days at the tank temperature. In the views of some, this allows bacteria to work on various impurities, etc., in the water.

When setting up the tank, I put any dead sand down, then the live sand, then the live rock on top, and carefully add the preconditioned water.

If I didn't have separate containers, I'd use the tank to condition the water. Then add the rest as before. I'd expect cloudy water, which I'd wait out.

If you're going to have animals that burrow in the sand, you'll want the live rock resting on the bottom or on some solid support.

03/16/2004, 09:00 PM
thanks a lot.