View Full Version : Tell me if my idea is feasible

03/01/2004, 10:52 PM
I would construct some sort of large structure out of pvc pipe. Maybe 10x10 or perhaps even larger. Then I would sink it in the local lake, and use a cheap underwater camera to watch the fish from my boat.

Few Qs- Is lake water too murky for video?
Is building a fish attractor even legal?

03/01/2004, 10:54 PM

03/01/2004, 10:58 PM
1. - Most likely.
2. - Most likely.


03/01/2004, 11:09 PM
Oh,, the reason why- To observe fish too numerous and large to be kept safely in a home aquarium. Also, I am tired of accidently killing fish.

03/01/2004, 11:14 PM
dude get a job

03/01/2004, 11:18 PM
Well if you wanted to go all out, you could try hooking up the camera to a old laptop, then have it with a wireless card back to you and have it pushed out as a web cam. That way you don't have to sit on your boat to see them. Can see them at home or work . Just a tought.

And I know somebody out their is going to figure out exactly how to do something like this.

03/02/2004, 03:32 AM
There is a shallow end of this lake where I think this may work. Depth is four to six feet.

Jgillis- go away

03/02/2004, 06:53 AM
when i was a kid, we used to gather the old
xmas trees & tie'em up with a few cinder blocks
dragem onto the ice & wait for the thaw. great
fish attractors & some new lures would always
get stuck & retrieved by the kids :D ;)

03/02/2004, 10:03 AM
I don't think the wireless card idea would work - radio waves don't travel well through water.

Unless I pictured that wrong, which is entirely possible.

But on your idea -- I don't think you'd see many fish. Your visible area would be too small.

03/02/2004, 10:26 AM
Heres a guy with a black and white camera


03/02/2004, 10:54 AM
jgillis, unless you have a reason to post, don't.

Fat Man
03/02/2004, 02:36 PM
They make under water video cameras with an above water display, check Basspro. If the pvc is for fish habitat I'd think you'd want larger diameters, a pile of cinder blocks would work just as well.

03/02/2004, 04:12 PM
All fresh water lakes are different with regards to clarity. Clarity also changes with regards to the climate that day.