View Full Version : 2 different question and only 1 post!!!

02/14/2004, 03:39 PM
Ok when I first started out in the saltwater world I really was not sure what to get and what I would need. Well it being Christmas my wife ran into a saltwater kit. Well since then I have either not used or replaced everything but the tank,test kit and the emperor 400. The 400 was broke so I called manufacture and they sent replacement part. My question here is I know I really do not need it but thought it would be good for when I want to run carbon, why would I want to run carbon? I did take the bio-wheels off as I have seen many folk say they are not needed. Could someone give some advice as to why to keep the 400 and also do I need to run it 24x7 like my skimmer or just on a as needed basis?

Part 2.

My tank has gone through the cycle and earlier this week I noticed I had a slight case of aptisia. I'm not to concerned but figured well since I can get some Livestock in there now why not go and get a peppermint shrimp? My question here is I know I need to leave him floating for a couple of hours and intodce my tank water into the bag but how do I stop the LFS water from being introduced to my tank?

Thanks for the replies,


02/14/2004, 03:47 PM
It shouldn't hurt to run the emperor 24/7. If nothing else it gives some water flow and disrupts the surface water of the tank leading to better oxegen levels, etc. You should run carbon periodically to clarify your water (makes it sparkle) and if you have corals to remove some of the nasties they release into the water to try to kill each other.

When you get the shrimp, fish, snails, etc. you float them to get to the same temperature of the tank without opening the bag. Then you put them in a container or bucket of some kind, open the bag and either drip your tank water into the bag via airline tubing knotted so that it slowly drips into the bag, or you dump a small cup of water in the bag, wait 5 minutes, dump again, etc. until the bag is full of water. Then you dump out about 1/2 of the water into the sink and then continue the process until you fill the bag up again. This should take around 30 minutes to an hour. Then you can either net the fish/shrimp/snails, etc. out of the bag and place them in your tank. Or pour the water out of the bag into the container and keep the critter in the plastic bag with no water. Then put the bag in the tank and let it fill back up with tank water and release it into the tank. This way no water from the LFS gets in your tank.

FWIW, Nathan

02/14/2004, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by baz
but how do I stop the LFS water from being introduced to my tank?

What I do is After I am done floating the bag to get the temperature even with my tanks. Is to use a specimen conatiner. ( I use the re-usable fake tupperware. I.e. Glad - Rinse and re-use) and dose the water in there. Then you can net the specimen without worrying about spilling LFS water into the tank.

02/14/2004, 03:52 PM
I'm not super-familiar with the emperor. If you can take all the media out of it, should be fine for continual use. If not, i'd only use it when dosing carbon, say 3 days/month.
As for the aptasia, kill it now. Then kill it again.....and again...and again, until it's finally dead.

02/14/2004, 03:56 PM
Thanks for all the replies, so since I only have a peppermint shrimp in the tank right now there would not be any reason to run carbon correct? The thing is loud so I maybe ready to cut it off and wait until I need to use it, Yes hubris007 thats why my first living creature into the tank is going to be this peppermint shrimp. Wish me luck!

02/14/2004, 07:32 PM
Good luck...

You will need to run carbon if your water turns yellowish. It's from organics in the water. Carbon takes it out...I'd run the filter 24/7 for extra circulation...

02/14/2004, 08:04 PM
well the family have decided to call the little guy "peppy". Our two year old is singing go peppy go peppy go! The wife is hooked on the tank now wanting to get more and some fish!! If I knew i could spend $6 and get this much excitement I would have done this years ago. I'm excited too now! my first LiveStock in the tank, its such a special moment!!!

The little guy is going crazy on the rock he must be full as he is just hanging upside down now!

Also is there such a thing as too much flow??? I have 2 1200 maxi jets,the emperor 400 and the Skimmer all cruising along. Is this ok?

Well thanks for reading about my day and our joy! He has a special little place in my heart! I do love the little guy :)


02/14/2004, 08:47 PM
Your peppermint is cruising the tank now because he's checking out his new home. Don't be surprised if Peppy finds a nice rock to hang underneath most of the time. Peppermints usually don't spend a lot of time crawling all over the rock until it's feeding time then they try to snag food from the water column.

Don't count on him curing your aptasia either...buy some Joe's Juice, you'll be glad you did. One squirt on each aptasia and bye-bye aptasia :)

02/21/2004, 12:05 AM
As far as the Aptasia I also second the use of the Joes Juice. Seems to work really well, you dont have to siphon out the dead aptasia pieces and will not cause PH spikes.