View Full Version : twinspot signal goby?

01/18/2004, 02:45 PM
Has anyone had good luck keeping them for a prolonged period of time? If so what did you feed them and was it a single or pair? I have a single and would like to pair him up if possible. Anyway to tell their sex?


01/18/2004, 07:07 PM
Terry, many people have difficulties keeping this fish alive. Peter Schmiedel(sp?) has stated that across the pond they have better luck with them in pairs, but most I've come across have looked rather unhealthy. They seem to feed on live food, but some will perhaps take prepared foods. I don't believe they are able to be sexed.

good luck

Peter Schmiedel
01/19/2004, 03:10 AM
Again me and the comon names ... are we takling about Signigobius biocellatus? Guess so ;)

These fish are indeed not that easy to keep but if you follow some rules it should be fine. I have now 2 pairs and 2 single in my rack. Of course all in different tanks.

1. No fast eating and fast swimming fish in the tank
2. Sufficient high sand bed where the can dig
3. Stones under which they can dig their cave (night!)
4. Feed often (more times a day) Artemia, Cyclops, Dahnia, small plettes
5. only buy them in a pair which swims together!!!
6 There is no way to sex them

Dont buy these fish per mail oders as the condition of the fish is the maost important thing. They should still have eat, and they should have found a partner in the tank. It is not easy to buddy them up form single fish (thats why I still have two singles...)

A very interessting fish for a tank with small gobies, dwarf angel etc. but not easy to give them enought food !!!

01/19/2004, 04:18 PM
How can you tell if they are eating properly ? Mine doesnt seem to feed with the rest of the fish but he is always taking mouthfulls of sand.

He also seems to float at the top of the tank at night... I though he was dead however a few minutes after turning on the lights he was back at the bottom digging...