View Full Version : Stocking Sequence

01/12/2004, 07:00 PM
Have new 100 gal. Moving fish from other tank into it and adding new ones. What should my squence be??

Scott's fairy wrasse.
5 Chromis
Sailfin Tang
Purple Tang
Flame Angel
Maroon Clown.
maybe a small pixy Hawk fish.

PS--How peaceful are yellow tail damsels. Is it OK to put 3-4 together?? In this tank?? If so will not add chromis but put in YT damsels.

01/12/2004, 08:19 PM
From what I have read, you really should only go with one Tang, although the body shapes of the sailfin and the purple may be different enough to get away with it.

I think the rule of thumb is to add the most aggressive/territorial fish last and in your case that would either be the clown or the Flame Angel.

I have also not heard nice things about most damsel fish. As they get older they get crankier.

01/12/2004, 08:31 PM
Purple tang is a Zebrasoma, as is a sailfin. So, I'd seriously consider not doing it.

The yellow-tailed blue damsels never get large, although I suppose they can get feisty. In a 100g, I wouldn't worry about 1 yellow-tailed damsel terrorrizing everybody else. The chromis is supposed to be more peaceful than the yellow-tailed. I have a yellow-tailed blue damsel, who seems to think that he's in a school of clownfish, so he's pretty mild-mannered (had him over 3 yrs now). Of course, your mileage may vary...