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Unfair Advantage
01/09/2004, 02:32 PM

That's about all I can say about that (this).

I had gotten my very first ric, oh..about 5 months ago or so. It was a beautiful pink ric with a gaping mouth (seriously, it was HUGE) and bright bright coloration.

After a month or 2, it started turning neon green on the underside, and scrunching up hard. It was supposedly damaged in transit as its mesenteries were coming out of its underbelly. It had eventually detached itself from it's rock and floated all over the joint. I wondered for a long time if it was splitting or what...eventually, I feared it was just gonna die, so I moved it into a small crevice on a rock closer to the surface so I could get it out if it started to go critically bad.

Next thing I know...it vanishes. Never saw it for 3 months...

Until today, in fact...I'm looking around the tank doing the usual feedings/cleaning/stuff...and there's this small, pinkish disc in the far back corner of the tank. There's the little pink bastard, looking haggard, about an 1/8 its former size or less and not anywhere near its former color either.

I'm guessing it's not dead, since it scrunched itself up a little bit while I was watching it, and it somehow managed to get over there. I figure I'll just let it be and see if it recovers...since it's made it this far without me doing a thing/knowing it was alive, surely it must be doing ok, right???

Amazing little buggers...

01/17/2004, 09:55 AM
I had a giant mushroom do the same thing. I thought it had died. I hadn't seen it for a month or two. I moved some power heads around and there it was the next day in the front of the tank. It was smaller than normal but soon started looking better and expanding back to its original size. Guess some shrooms like going on a vacation to get away from it all:lol: