View Full Version : looking for a certain fish

01/08/2004, 11:39 PM
i am looking for a black tang?

01/09/2004, 06:19 AM
There is a really nice fish called the Achillies Tang. It is black with a bit of orange. They are supposed to be hard to keep though. I think the are vunerable to disease. They are beautiful though. I think the get very large too. You will need a large tank to house one.


01/09/2004, 08:19 AM
There is the black tang also it looks like the yellow tang only totally black, I have seen them several times and are very cool looking. But at the price the LFS's are asking, you won't be seeing one in my tank anytime soon. I haven't pricd them online though


01/09/2004, 07:01 PM
<<< looking for a GEM TANG over here.

01/09/2004, 07:25 PM
tropiqurarium has a black tang cheap he's small though can't remember how much but i know he was cheap cuase i was gonna buy him but can't fit another in my tank

the tiler
01/10/2004, 09:30 AM

01/10/2004, 08:54 PM
Z. gemmatum? i work with a guy that has been in the industry for over 30 years and has not seen one of them for sale in over 15 years. collecting trips to the mauritious and reunion islands are ALMOST never made. good luck. if you find one i hope you have deep pockets. haha

01/10/2004, 09:57 PM
There was a store up near me that had one for a while. Must've been a good 6" for $350 i think. Slowly withered away in their 30l holding tank. Stupid ***3s keep bringing in powder blues and achilles. Might wanna call www.reefsplendor.com I know that's where that store gets its stock from.

01/11/2004, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by AcRo21
i am looking for a black tang? AcRo21,

Absolutely Fish (http://www.absolutelyfish.com/) in Clifton, NJ gets Black Sailfin Tangs on a pretty regular basis. I recollect they go for $250/350 depending on size. Suggest you give them a call before driving up there.

Bob D.

01/12/2004, 10:29 PM

I don't know if anyone has had any success ordering online from Live Aquaria but they have the Black Longnose Tang (Zebrasoma rostratum) for $279
