View Full Version : seahorses and banggai

01/01/2004, 10:14 PM
Could these two coexist in a 60g cube?

01/02/2004, 12:37 PM
Yes, I find banggais to be pretty good tank mate for seahorses.

01/02/2004, 08:31 PM
I've been thinking about adding a seahorse or two but I've recently read that anemones are dangerous to them. I have a bta but I also have a small sebae clown hosting in it who's fairly protective of it. My Banggais are generally moved along by him if they hover too close. Anyway my tanks a 60g cube you think I could safely have a seahorse or two? I would think anemones are technically dangerous to all fish since that would be food to them.

01/02/2004, 09:56 PM
Your anemone will eat the horses. You need to stick with one or the other.


01/02/2004, 10:04 PM
:mad: kinda was thinking that. Maybe an anemone underglass:cool: