View Full Version : Fire Shrimp zapped by the light?

11/26/2003, 08:31 AM
I lost a Fire shrimp last week. It appeared as if it got caught out in the open when the light turned on. It just sat there looking stunned, until it just died, and my other shrimp began to eat it. I had two, could my other one have possibly killed this one?Anybody else had this happen?

11/26/2003, 08:49 AM
Areu sure it was the other shrimp that ate it?, or could it have been a fish? As the the stunned look, I think that it could have been stunned.. @ work, our shrimp tank goes through various different changes, rapidly. From the temperature to the lighing, we usually add bags of ice when it is too hot, or turn on the outside lights first. Why we do this I can only guess, but I know we do for preventive measures. Sorry If i hadnt answered your question.. still a little early for me :) good luck

11/26/2003, 11:04 AM
There may be a chance he was not doing well in the first place. We have a fire shrimp and it doesn't phase him in the slightest when the lights come on. Just a thought.