View Full Version : tang problem!!

11/22/2003, 11:27 PM
ok my first mistake was leaving my girlfriend in charge of my tank for a week! i had to go out of town for a week and left my girlfriend to watch over my tank i explained everything in detail. however she has selective hearing and probably caught about half of what i had said. i called in the middle of the week to see how things where going only to find out that she was topping off the tank with saltwater. the SG rose to about 27(normally 24), i told her to slowly bring it down. since ive been home ive noticed tiny black dots on my tang. not real sure what they are but im sure its not good!!! any help on how to get rid of these things would be great.

11/22/2003, 11:33 PM
i think this could be due to adding salt crystals directly to the water. If they land on the fish i think they cause a black burn mark, but i dont think that the fish are in danger. Can someone secound my response.