View Full Version : Squareback anthias feeding

11/05/2003, 02:02 PM
I have had a squareback male anthias for about a month in my FO tank. The good news is that it eats voraciously twice a day. The bad news is that all it will eat is frozen brine shrimp. I soak all my frozen foods in Zoe and Garlic. Anything but the brine it will eat and spit out. Is the brine ok? Any other suggestions I could try?

11/05/2003, 02:38 PM
Have you tried frozen mysis?

11/05/2003, 02:49 PM
Yes, it spits them out???????????

11/06/2003, 09:31 AM
Have you tried mixing the frozen brine with other foods?

Many fish, when in "feeding frenzy mode" aren't selective when one of their favorite foods is present and will inadvertently take in other foods. Keep trying different foods and then slowly decrease the amount of frozen brine.

Good luck, they're one of my favorite fish!

11/07/2003, 11:42 AM
It's really amazing. I prepare a mixture of 2-3 different frozen foods for both my tanks, and soak overnight in Zoe and garlic. It will fly around the tank, "eating" everything, but spits out all but the brine.

On a positive note, yesterday and this morning it finally started eating krill. I guess its better than brine?

11/07/2003, 08:01 PM
Krill is a lot better than just brine but he's still going to need a more varied diet for optimum health and to retain his colour. I was very lucky with my 6" squarespot male, he was a good eater from day 1. Some of his obvious favorites you might want to try:

PE Mysis (much tastier than regular mysis)
Sweetwater Zooplankton (comes in a jar, awesome stuff)
Finely chopped scallops (I just buy the frozen mini scallops)

11/08/2003, 12:52 AM
have you tried eliminating brine from the feedings? if it is constantly available to him, he may avoid eating less familiar foods in favor of something he knows he likes.

after a month, how does he look/act?

11/08/2003, 02:25 PM
Sweetwater Zooplankton (comes in a jar, awesome stuff)

I'm with Susan on this one. This stuff is great.


11/09/2003, 07:52 AM
Looks great. Hides less (still a lot). Eats like a pig. Next trip to LFS will try some new choices.

11/13/2003, 10:55 PM
You might try feeding him more often if possible. At least till you get him eating a more varied diet.
Just a thought.

11/14/2003, 06:19 PM
I wouldn't discontinue feeding a food just because he spits it out. Mine did that with some foods at first too but now he eats everything.