View Full Version : LawnMower Blenny - Reef Safe ???

10/18/2003, 07:43 PM
Hey All
The Wife wants to get a Lawn Mower Blenny for the Reef tank anyone have any expierience with these guys??
Thanks !!:confused:

10/18/2003, 07:55 PM
Yes they are very nice fish to have for a reef.I have one.Do you have alot af algae?They eat it like crazy.I suppliment mine with nori.

10/18/2003, 08:12 PM
I have had mine in a reef for a while with only one problem, He uses my frogspawn as a perch.

10/18/2003, 11:16 PM
My Lawnmower is great...you can see his mouth marks on the back glass where he muches algae...great personality. He eats everything...literally zooms after mysis.

10/19/2003, 09:56 AM
Thats great news , The one I saw had a awsome personallity and I believe I am going to go get him today!! any more replies would be welcomed !!
Thanks again all !

10/19/2003, 09:42 PM
Personally, I've never had a problem with lawnmowers; however, I have heard -- and I stress that this is hearsay -- from some people that they have had problems with them and some sps corals, apparently with the lawnmowers attempting to graze on the mucous secretions. As with all things, I suppose it comes down somewhat to the individual specimins in question.

10/19/2003, 10:52 PM
We have had our lawnmower blenny for nearly a year and he has been a model reef citizen. Occasionally he will nab a small snail from the glass, carry it to the other side and then spit it out but beyond that tomfoolery, he is great. Almost looks like a muppet and has more personality than most any other saltwater fish.


Peter Schmiedel
10/20/2003, 12:45 AM
Here in Europe this fish is the most popular algae eater, he is considered 100 % reef save.

BUT, one problem we often face is that this fish DO NOT eat other food than algae! Some lost their fish because they totally refused any other food than natural grown algea.

Persoanlly I have two. One did eat Mysis after 10 month, but he had enough algae in my 320g tank. The other is in one of my smaller tanks. He did eat artemia after 3 month.

10/20/2003, 08:27 AM
Thanks all !! I did go get him and he just loves the tank he is very happy and constantly munching my tangs have got lazy and now prefer shrimp and flake and thye have let the algea grow so the blenny is in a garden of Eden!!

10/20/2003, 06:50 PM
good for you! ...like the other gent there said, i have had 2...1 i lost to cyanide...and one that looks like its about to pop all the time b/c it is such a pig for the algea( but that's her job right? ;) ) i have never seen either of mine take any prepared foods, others have recommended offering nori, no success, but by the size of the belly and the enormous poops....i can see that she isn't starving @ all !! great fish...totally safe

10/20/2003, 07:40 PM
I got my lmb a couple of weeks ago. He ate prepared foods immediately. He loves nori. The only problem I have is the constant digging which he started after about a week. I assume this is normal? Will he stop the digging? I guess it's no big deal except my tank is a mess while he digs all over the tank.

10/20/2003, 07:51 PM
that is not a normal characteristic of the lmb...do a search on "salarias fasciatus" to confirm the species.... ;)

10/20/2003, 08:16 PM
I did a search on google and came up with a picture of what was sold to me as a lmb. Now what? I like him so I will keep him but I will tell the lfs I now know the difference.

Peter Schmiedel
10/21/2003, 12:47 AM

you have a Salarias Fasciatus which is digging???? I have never heard of ANY member of the Blenidiae family which diggs???

I really cant beleive that you have a Salarias ...