View Full Version : Maybe my solution is easy, but I don't see it. Ca and Alk...

Mr James
10/14/2003, 05:07 PM
I purchased a dual calcium reactor for my 20H about a month ago and set it up on Oct 1. I am having troubles changing any of my numbers. I have kept a log since October 1 and my alk is the only thing moving around. My calcium in the tank is high and my pH in the reactor is too low, according to the searches I have done here at RC. I have also referenced this link many times ( http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/nov2002/chem.htm )... I fall into zone 4, but have some pH problems in my reactor to deal with too.

The numbers, using Salifert test kits, as of yesterday are as follows: pH reactor = 6.4, pH effluent = 6.5, pH tank = 8.1, Ca in tank = 500ppm, Alkalinity = 9.6 dKh/3.43 meqL Sorry if I get the dkh's and meql's spelled wrong. I want my Ca at 450 ppm and my alk at whatever the matching number is to the Ca. Do any of these numbers make sense?? I have waited for 15 days and my Ca has not dropped. I have been reading about Magnesium lately and think it may be time to buy another kit, but do I need it. Does any of this make sense??

Edit: The pH was measured with a Milwaukee pH monitor as opposed to a Salifert test kit.

Randy Holmes-Farley
10/14/2003, 07:29 PM
I think those numbers are fine! No need to do anything. Corals will not grow (or calcify) better if you only dropped the calcium level.

If you want to drop calcium a bit, I'd do it by adding some baking soda or washiong soda over time. That should bring up alk which in turn will drop calcium.

I would not target a pH in the reactor (but 6.4 seems OK to me), but rather would tweak the bubble rate based ont eh trial and error needs of the tank. Simon's article describes the process a bit:


Mr James
10/15/2003, 08:37 AM
Thanks Randy, for what may seem like redundant questions over and over again, I appreciate your patience and comments!! I keep Simon's article, plus the one I posted, right next to my tank. I reference it regularly to assure myself I am heading down the right path.

Randy Holmes-Farley
10/15/2003, 08:39 AM
No problem on the questions! :)