View Full Version : Anybody know how to sex a Banggai?

06/06/2001, 02:39 PM
I'd like to get a new mate for my female (male disappeared after releasing his last batch of babies) but I don't want to take the chance of putting another female in with her. Is there any way to tell? I could always tell with mine because his mouth was sort of deformed even when he wasn't pregnant. I think that's what finally did him in.

Thanks - Laurie

06/06/2001, 02:51 PM
I don't know if there is any sure-fire way of sexing Banggai's other than when the male has eggs, but I'll tell you what I know. My male seems to have a more defined jaw line than the female. He also seems to be larger. He has more black than her, but she has more spots. The female is the only one that makes a "clicking" sound (at least for me anyway). It's pretty hard to tell which sex is which, but you at least have a 50/50 chance right? HTH, and good luck.


06/06/2001, 02:58 PM

06/06/2001, 03:23 PM
Here how it is done :)

1) Be nice to her all day :)
2) Say how beautiful she looks
3) If possible make dinner for her (fresh MYST shrimp)
4) Supply a nice beverage (selcon)
5) Dim the lights
6) Let the sexing begin.


06/06/2001, 03:53 PM
I've always heard of a lot of ways to do it (size, second dorsal fin length, jaw shape, etc), but none that I've seen has consistently worked. Once the two bangaii we got were old enough to start mating, one of them had a longer dorsal fin, was a little bit bigger, but their jaws seemed to be identical. The smaller one with the shorter second dorsal fin ended up being the male.

In my experience with them, it actually ends up being the male that's smaller due to the fact that he'll go for 4 weeks at a time without eating. During the time the female still gets to eat at her normal pace and get nice and big.

I might try Hartman's method, since nothing else I've seen works consistently.


06/06/2001, 05:45 PM
Too bad you live on the other coast. I have a proven male who is in need of a new female. I lost his mate about a month ago.
I'm thinking of trying to find a new female for him this fall.

06/07/2001, 08:14 AM
Gas = Can you say "Sleepless in Seattle" hahaha! Really, I am in the Baltimore area and you are in Washington state - you have a male in need of a female, and I...

Too, too funny - at least for my warped sense of humor!


06/07/2001, 12:19 PM
My best friend Toni (the woman I almost married), lives in Crofton, Maryland. I helped her move last year.

06/07/2001, 01:57 PM
No Way! That's just a few miles down the road from me. If you come out here to visit her, let me know and we'll have to get together. If you are here on the 1st Sunday of the month maybe you can even attend a CMAS meeting and meet a bunch of the folks who post here from time to time.


06/07/2001, 02:32 PM
i'll chime in.....
I like hartman sexing method, its more accurate than mine will ever be, and I am in total agreement here. Every method you read or hear about for sexing banggai does NOT hold true. When i wrote my 95 article it was after observing 5 fish, when i wrote my 97 article it was after observing 200fish, and since then. (http://www.eparc.com/banggai/banggai.shtml) its still guess work.I do have some new ideas on how to sex... seen here....

but its still not 100% correct, it works for me and I'm a little better than 70% correct..but i admit i have a more trained eye

06/07/2001, 03:08 PM
It seem that two females don't fight. If you add another and no babies then get one out and add another until babies result.:)