View Full Version : Anyone having luck rearing L. wurdemanni?

05/23/2001, 09:44 PM
Evening all,

About a week ago, after assuming that the Peppermint shrimp had been consumed months prior, I noticed a lot of activity in the sump and tank at night. Upon closer inspection, and capture of several for closer observation, I determined that what I was looking at were L.W. larvae. they have doubled in size in the past week to almost 3/8" and are taking on a more distinct reddish cast. My tank is fed daily/every other with frozen prepared foods along with a "dash" of golden pearls for the micro feeders. Is this enough to sustain any of them. The ones in the sump have a very good chance of escaping predation (unless you count the intake line on my pump as a predator), but I guess I'm wondering if there is anything else I can be doing to insure some degree of survival. If a rearing tank is needed, how would you harvest the little buggers once the female releases? I did see her this morning before the lights came on and she is carrying again. Any hope here? Could be a fun experiment and good practice for future clownfish broods (I have a pair of A. ocellaris that spawned twice several months ago, but not since). Thanks for any help you can offer.


05/25/2001, 10:23 PM
c'mon guys, a little help here. I know I'm not the only one to have this happen. Would my response be better in the breeding forum???


Tide Man
05/26/2001, 01:16 AM

Sounds good so far. About the only thing more I would do is hatch some brine shrimp for them, thats what Ive read anyways. As far as harvesting them I think the best way is to put the female into a container with some dead rubble rock and an air bubbler with temp and light controls. If you have the book "The modern coral reef aquarium vol 3" on page 248 is all the info you should need. If not I can scan it and E-mail it to you. I tried to raise some stenopus hispidus with no sucess so now my friend and I are going to try Lysmata debelius. Also Tropical Marine Center (http://www.tmc-ltd.co.uk/Hatchery/specieslist.asp) is raising the L. wurdemanni you might be able to get some info out of them maybe. Hope That Helps


05/26/2001, 02:17 AM
I know someone who has had success feeding the larvae egg yolk of all things (don't ask me how).

I think a good way to do it would be to seperate the carrying shrimp until the babies are no longer attached, and then put the shrimp back in the tank. Its near impossibnle to raise them in the main tank. I have had some get up to about 1/4" and then they are no more.

You can get one of those really fine mesh breeding nets and hang it in the tank.


05/26/2001, 09:22 AM
This might help a little bit.



05/26/2001, 03:56 PM
Thanks for the responses guys. I don't know yet if I have the inclination to try this, but information is the first step. The next step would be capturing the Adult female in my 75g fully loaded reef. Riiiiiiiight! Anyhow, I'll keep everyone posted on the progress.


05/26/2001, 10:42 PM
I had a pair of pepperment shrimp that released babies regularly. All it took to get them going was a good feeding of shrimp, and then a couple of days later their would be a bundle of eggs on them. They would release the baby shrimp at night after all the lights were off. Always at night in the dark. If you take a flashlight, i used a mini mag light, and shine it down through the water, the baby shrimp would slowly gather at the light. I would think you could scoop them out with something if you wanted.

I made some light hearted attempts at raising the babies with no success. But, if yours are 3/8 of an inch long, i would say you are over the hill for difficulty. The newly released babies are only maybe a 1/16 of an inch.

Unfourtunatly I removed one shrimp to battle apstasia in an other tank, and it disapeared.I bout another to replace it, but so far, no breeding has started. The new shrimp is way smaller, and probably still immature.