View Full Version : Music industry is getting the hint.

09/04/2003, 03:18 PM
I started a thread a while back asking how I could stop the music industry. Now, they are talking about slashing prices to around 10 bucks a CD in an attempt to draw people back into the music stores. Here (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,96394,00.html) is a link if you wish to read about it. I have not yet decided if I will start buying CD's again. We'll just have to see how this all pans out.

09/04/2003, 04:37 PM
I hear n the radio that this was just for the upcoming holiday season.
Hope they were wrong.

09/04/2003, 06:41 PM
When CD's are in the upper teens and "collectors editions" which are just repackaged sos pushing triple figures what did the music industry expect ?

Back when I was a kid ( ;) ) we could record albums to cassets for free, Did it a few times, but I wanted the albums. The cover art and liner notes made it worth while to buy the album. Anybody seen the original "Sgt Peppers" album cover? I could examine it for hours (there were other issues involved btw :smokin: ) Where's the value added by the record companies now ?



09/04/2003, 11:43 PM
19 bucks for a CD? That's the trouble......not Kazza and similiar file sharing programs. These people are absolute morons.....they gear advertisements towards teens and college kids, but keep the price too high for them.....completely moronic. When I was growing up.....one kid had the original copy, and about ten of his friends had copies.....sharing music was always around......CD prices are just stupid, and we all know they cost about two bucks to make....is there any reason they need to have a 1000% markup by the time I can get it?? :rolleyes: These retards need to get the price of a CD to around $9.99 and leave it there.......get the music out, and make cash from the concerts....I burn CDs for folks all the time.....almost everyone I know can not waste 20 bucks buying CDs all the time....people have bills, kids, and more important things to do than make these guys millionaires. I for one am growing tired of seeing these college kids, kids I said, being sued and fined thousands for sharing music...... can't these guys be happy ONLY having a couple million....why do they feel the need to have 80 billion dollars?

For the "artists" information....just about anyone can learn to play a guitar or drums......do you really believe you are sooo talented, and that you change the world so deeply, that you deserve ten million a year to beat sticks on a drum? These guys are soooooooooo overpaid......

BTW Metallica sucks now.....what a joke.....never buy a crappy metallistink CD...sellout losers.:mad:

The whole issue gets me angry everytime I read about it. Am I to believe that file sharers own no original CDs whatsoever? Of course not, but who can afford to buy everything that comes out? Atleast these idiots are finially starting to think that perhaps the outrageous cost of "music", and that's all it is, is some of the problem.

09/05/2003, 10:12 AM
I heard something on the Jimmy Kimmel show last night that made me laugh aloud.
Reading a news report Kimmel said:
The music industry, in order to compete with the internet, has decided to lower it's prices on CD"s to between $9.99 and $13.99.
In response to this move the internet has decided to maintain its current pricing schedule of free. :D

09/05/2003, 03:42 PM
For the "artists" information....just about anyone can learn to play a guitar or drums......do you really believe you are sooo talented, and that you change the world so deeply, that you deserve ten million a year to beat sticks on a drum? These guys are soooooooooo overpaid......

I pretty much disagree with most of what you said there. First of all, you are describing about a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of one percent of all musicians. The majority don't make squat, and work several jobs to support their music 'careers.' Your anger belongs with the media companies who pay third-rate musicians ungodly amounts to allow them to dictate their music and style and then force popularity out of them using their domination of radio stations -- and the bands that are actually talented get ignored in the process.

Just about anyone can learn to play a guitar or drums, sure. Most of them will always suck at it. Being able to write good music AND play it well is ideally what musicians are or should be getting paid for, and it isn't easy. If this is really what you think of musicians, that anybody can do it, then you have a lot to learn.

I agree, the music industry is screwed up, but musicians themselves are responsible for roughly zero percent of that, so lay off them already.

BTW Metallica sucks now.....what a joke.....never buy a crappy metallistink CD...sellout losers.

I agree. There are so many reasons to hate Metallica.

Code Hound
09/05/2003, 04:01 PM
The music industry, in order to compete with the internet, has decided to lower it's prices on CD"s to between $9.99 and $13.99.
In response to this move the internet has decided to maintain its current pricing schedule of free.

Now that's funny!

09/05/2003, 04:04 PM
If it's a band that has sold millions of copies of a single album, I probably won't buy it (unless it's worth it, e.g. Tool). But on the other hand I don't really listen to that many musicians that sell huge amounts of albums, so I like to purchase their (the not so popular, or barely heard of) albums to really show support and even more importantly, see them. Which adds another layer of problems, trying to find their stuff at a reasonable price. The prices at BnB and Borders are absolutely outrageous, but they have a damn good selection (although I have looked for albums to no avail only to find them at a Best Buy, which occasionally has some odd titles always being quite pleasently surprised).

And screw Metallica! ehhh... never really liked them...

09/05/2003, 04:22 PM
In light of that announcement, I might just buy a CD (the first in about a year and a half). Money speaks, maybe the other companies will listen.
