View Full Version : What do I do???? Please help..

Scuba Dan
08/19/2003, 06:38 PM
My lion of 2 years is gasping for air, his eyes are all cloudy and his fins are falling apart. All this in 2 days. I dont know what has caused this, but I cant watch him suffer anymore. What is the best way to put him to rest? He is quite big. He is the size of a vollyball. My wife is just about in tears watching him die. Ive gotta do something soon. Please help.....:(

08/19/2003, 08:19 PM
sorry for your loss :(

08/19/2003, 09:48 PM
Scuba Dan,
I am so very sorry.
I have had to put a few fish down over the years and I place the fish in a container of their tank water and place them in the freezer.