View Full Version : Move livestock from Tampa to Denver

08/17/2003, 07:24 AM
Doctor, I hope you can help me. I have 200 gal glass tank of mostly inverts, only 9 reef fish. The moving company will ship my tank but how do I get my live sand, rock, and inverts moved? It is a 3 day drive from the Tampa area to Denver area so I can't see how I can do it my self. I have to sell this house before I can buy one there As soon as this house sells, the movers come in so I need to ship my live stock to a nitro ready tank there. I really love my stock and don't want to start over in Denver. Any advice you can give me? Thanks, Jan

08/17/2003, 10:38 AM
Hi Jan,


The only thing I can suggest is that you find a good friend who will hold, pack, and ship your stuff to you once you get to Denver, and get a tank set up and running.

Nothing in your system will do well for three days in transit, and I think most of your animals would probably die during such an exercise, so you should probably consider shipping them all by air.

You might do a search of this forum (search button) in the logo to the upper right and use as your search key word, "moving." You might get some ideas about moving some of the sand, etc.

Personally, I would suggest this is a good time to upgrade/revise your system. Ship the fish if you must, but I suggest the hassles will be a lot less if you simply re-establish your tanks.

08/17/2003, 01:07 PM
Thanks for your reply.

I did think about giving up my animals but my neon green carpets are as big as dinner plates and my H. Magnifica now has 3 well developed mouths and I think that means she is going to split. I have 3 tube anemones, 2 are the usual purple & green but one is pinkish-orange with black mouth tenticles and I haven't seen any others like her. For that matter, I haven't seen any other H. Magnificas either. Maybe I could find them online, I don't know.

I do know I couldn't sell them for what they cost me, but it's more important they go to someone that can take proper care of them.

I'm going to try your search suggestion now, thanks again.