View Full Version : The Face of EVIL!!!

08/02/2003, 06:05 PM
This little beast ( tomato clown ) is like a little bull, and my hand is the matador. Everytime I have the unfortunate need to reach into the tank, its open season on human hand. Sometimes I wonder why I keep the little booger.

He is getting pretty big and thick, hmm., wonder what a clown "filet" would taste like???:D

08/02/2003, 06:28 PM
They are really tasty......fry them for about 3 minutes per side and they are crispy enough to eat bones and all ......:p

08/02/2003, 07:38 PM
Yup, the day he draws blood, a little flour or some bread crumbs, creole seasoning, we are good to go!

08/04/2003, 02:41 AM
That photo captures the mood & attitude of these fish better than any other I've seen. I especially like the fact that she is showing her teeth. The Nemo movie would have been more believable if they'd chosen a tomato or a maroon

Every now & then I threaten my female maroon with buying a trigger twice her size... but then I picture what would happen & how sad that would be & decide I could never do such a thing - to any trigger, it would be just too cruel - not to mention humiliating (how could he face the other triggers in the neighborhood?)

08/04/2003, 02:58 AM

I'm glad I am not the only one who knows how viscious these guys are!

I swear, everytime I go and look into the tank, the little booger turns and stares like only a tomato clown can, with that "I dare you to reach in here attitude"! :mad:

08/04/2003, 05:51 AM
Evil or not this is a great photograph.


08/04/2003, 05:25 PM
Oh great! I just bought two little tomato clowns last week. I noticed that look from one of them as soon as I opened the bag I bought them in. I'm thinking that on will be the female. It seems to be the dominent one. Suprisingly though, they are getting along with each other and my striped damsel. I've heard they don't get along with damsels, so I'm ready to get rid of it if I see signs of trouble.

08/04/2003, 05:35 PM
Thanks valleye, I was hoping it would capture his "attitude".

I have a Flame Angel, Lemonpeel Angel, Kole Tang, and Copperband Butterfly and he doesn't bug them at all. He has been with the two angel's for at least 3 years with no probs. He seems to only hate my hand!

But having a pair might make them react differently??

08/04/2003, 05:40 PM
oh good! that makes me feel better. I was wondering what I would do with them, because I really like them and didn't want to get rid of them. Crusty and Basil (clownfish) thank you!