View Full Version : Calcium Reactor Idea?

07/06/2003, 02:55 PM
I was sitting around looking at all my Aquarium equipment and was wondering if this was possible. I have a Fluidized bed made by Rainbow Lifguard and was wondering if it was possible to make that into a Calcium Reactor? :confused: I dont know if this is possible or not but it was just a thought.. Could fill it with ARM Media and inject CO2 into the water pumping into the unit.. ??

Can this be done??


07/06/2003, 03:38 PM

Yes that will work you would be creating a single pass CA reactor which is not the most effecian design. What would be better would be to hook a pump up to as a recuirculating pump and then run it as a normal ca reactor with a water input and co/2 input right in front of the pump and a water output just after the pump, with the pump just moving the water around in the filter.
