View Full Version : I'm seeing Dots!

06/21/2003, 09:01 AM
I need help. Is there such a thing as 24 min. ich? My 29 gal tank has been up a going for about 3 months. So far I have a False clown (got it before I heard of Nemo) and two yellow clown gobies. I also have 2 hermit crabs and a horseshoe crab. I have about 2 inches of live sand, and all our rock is made of resin, as is the coral tree. The fish have been in the tank for about 2 months. This morning I get up and turn on the lights and take a look at my fish, my clown is covered in white dots about the size of salt. Oh my god ICH, I go to the ole ‘purter and get on Reef Central, search for ich, too many returns, search ich cure. Garlic, Hyposalinity, Copper, Ginger what to choose from? I go back to check on the fish to see if breathing is labored, NO DOTS! There was nothing last night, Dots first thing in the morning, research cures for about 1/2 hour, dots gone. I know I saw them, could even see a profile of small cones. Did it just go away? Did the gobies have a feast and eat them? Did the name Reef Central strike fear in their hearts and they left? Do they only come out at night? What were they? Every one in the tank seems just fine now. Feeding Spectrum Thera+A pellets that have garlic in it and Mysis. I know I need help, but what kind? Glasses, Therapy, maybe I need copper. Help Please!!!!

06/21/2003, 09:57 AM
It could have had sand in it's slime coat. If it was ich it is possible the gobies ate the cysts. I would figure out if it was, and if it was figure out why your fish are suseptable to ich.

"I also have 2 hermit crabs and a horseshoe crab."

Horseshoe crabs are not aquarium animals. It's going to die.

"I have about 2 inches of live sand,"

The crab is going to strip it of any life before it dies. I would remove the crab before it gets large..if it can.

06/21/2003, 10:13 AM
I’m positive it’s not sand. For the 2 little gobies to clean it up in just 30 min. it would have been fun to watch, because the clown 2 1/2 long does not sit still long and the gobies at 1/2 long can’t keep up most times. As for the horseshoe, the LFS told the wife that we needed him to stir the sand, and she thought he was cute! She did marry me, go figure. I have hundreds of small moving white dots on the back of the tank that must be some kind of pod, and the horseshoe seems to love the Mysis that hit the bottom. The second the Mysis hit the top of the water, out of the sand he comes, and cruises the bottom waiting his turn.

06/22/2003, 09:16 AM
It’s a new day. Just like yesterday, my Clown had dots on it when I turned on the lights. This time I stayed for the show. I still don’t know what they are, but, the dots left on their own swimming back to the glass. Of course the Gobies were near by and snatched up any slowpokes. So it’s not ICH, it’s just pesky pods of some kind.