View Full Version : Ricordea

06/02/2003, 02:53 AM
Is this a good one to try for my first prop. tank.
can any one give me any info on them?

06/05/2003, 04:19 AM
Welcome OSOLOW

I think ricordea are an excellent choice for first time propagation.

When I frag mine I simply cut them away for their rock at the foot, although sometimes I like to take a small chunk of the rock their foot is attached to.

When you cut a small chunk of the rock away with the foot, propagation procedure is extremely simple. Just take the ricordea with small rock chunk attached-and super glue it to a larger frag rock of your choosing.

If you cut off the head, leaving the stump behind, just take the freed head and place it on top of a rock under a fine mesh netting ( not to tight )- then rubberband on the sides of the rock to secure the net-and pop the coral in your frag tank or on the sand bed of your main tank. A week or so later remove the net and the ricordea will have attached.

You can find a huge amount of helpful information on these corals in the corallimorpharian forum (mushroom forum), which is located right next to this forum on the main forum listing page.

Two people in particular are experts at propagating these guys.
Their RC handles are

-Bryan Thompson


They can answer pretty much any questions you might have.

-Meg :)

06/08/2003, 03:11 PM
Sometimes I will just cut a peice off the edge of the mushroom/ricordia, that new peice will become a new coral, and the peice that you cut from will heal up and grow back pretty quickly. Sometimes I also cut one off the rock and cut it in half, making two new ones plus the stump that was left behind. Although when cutting these things up the mortality rate is a little higher. The safest way for me is to do as Zepplin said...to cut it off and stick it to a new rock again, and the stump will grow back too. I also use netting to stick most all of my props.
