View Full Version : icecap 250w mh old style bulb flicker

05/01/2003, 09:08 PM
i just bought a 3 year old icecap 250w model mh.the ballast never even gets hot but i have noticed a pulse or flicker.i am very impressed with the intensity and color of the ushio 10k i am using but i really dont like the flicker.another friend of mine told me that the old style icecap mh ballasts just do flicker for some reason.is there something i can do?i had thought of trying a diffrent bulb but dont want to throw money away at something that cant be fixed.any help would be great.Thanks Kevin

05/02/2003, 09:19 AM
I have never witnessed this phenomenon in person, but I have read about it a number of times here at RC and elsewhere. As I understand it, there is no detrimental effect to the bulb or ballast from this.

You may want to post over in the Icecap forum http://reefcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=32 and see if there is anything they can offer.


05/02/2003, 12:14 PM
mako,hi thanks for the reply i guess the flicker isnt detrimental to anything except me.i just dont like it.i sure hope this is something that can be fixed if not i guess i will learn to live with it because it looks great.i will post in the icecap forum and see what they can do if anything.thanks Kevin