View Full Version : Remora C Pro - Stopped Skimming??

04/29/2003, 10:58 AM
Hi - I have a Remora C Pro on a 75 Gallon. It has been runninf for a couple months and has been skimming perfectly.

I recently removed it and cleaned it - now, it is not collecting any skimmate.

I see plenty of foam is being produced, but it is not making its way up into the collection cup anymore.

Anyone know why this may be? I have never heard of this - will the skimmer need to go through a new "break-in" period since I cleaned it?

thanks for the help

04/29/2003, 11:59 AM
did you clean it with soap..i know its a bumb question but i had to ask

04/29/2003, 02:41 PM
haha - nope, just plain tap water, then dried out thoroughly with paper towels.

It is really wierd - lookks like it is bubbling, but the bubbles are not making it up the tube/chamber into the cup.

But was working perfectly for a couple months. . .

04/29/2003, 03:14 PM
Have you adjusted the collection cup height and/or is the water level in the tank the same as before (in relation to the skimmer position)? Personally I had so many problems with the remora that i got a new skimmer, but then mine never ever seemed to work properly.


04/29/2003, 03:16 PM
From what I can tell all is equal.

I am going to try a few things tonight and see what happens.

Just frustrating. . .

Thanks for the replies

04/29/2003, 03:19 PM
Have you tried removing the screw and cleaning out the spray nozzle. It's possible that something got in there when you hooked things back up.

04/29/2003, 03:43 PM
I think that will be the first thing I try - I also sent an email to Jason at AquaC - I'll update once I try a few more things

04/29/2003, 05:21 PM
I have a base model Remora. It takes a few days to start skimming again after I clean the collection cup. It seems to need to scum up a bit first. Give it a week and see what it does.

04/30/2003, 11:40 AM
i have ran a remora for quite awhile along with some other skimmers and have noticed that each time a skimmer is broken down and cleaned, they all seem to need to re-season.

04/30/2003, 11:48 AM
Thanks - I checked last night again - flow seems good and foam looks good too - hopeing it will get back to normal in the next few days.

04/30/2003, 01:53 PM
I don't usually use paper towels on my skimmer's neck. For some reason it takes longer for it to restart. Perhaps they leave some kind of residue...?

04/30/2003, 01:56 PM
That is a very good possibility. It looks like the foam is there - just not "sticking" to the tube and making it into the collection cup.

Hopefully this is jusy temporary.

One thing - I tested my Calcium today (using a Hagan test kit - are they any good?) and it looks like I am at 600ppm - could that be causing skimming probs?

04/30/2003, 03:50 PM
I have the same problem with my Remora Pro each time I clean the unit or the pump. It takes about 1 week to get back to normal. Maybe these things just like being dirty!
