View Full Version : advice on chiller

04/29/2003, 06:21 AM
I have a 40 gallon reef tank, with a wet dry and a hang on refugium.
I live in Florida, and in the summer, it is hard for me to keep the tanks below 82 F . I tried fans, and ice packs in the sump.

I have finally understood it is in the best interests of the tank occupants to purchase a chiller (and controller). I was hoping you all could share your experiences with me and give me advice on what to look for - features.

possible product brands/models would be nice, but only if you list the features that made you happy/mad.

I would like to avoid drilling, but if I had to, I assume the sump is the place to do it?

I would also like to do it at a reasonable cost (note, I didn't say cheapest)

thanks in advance


04/29/2003, 10:00 AM
For you a thermoelectric would probably work. You could look into the larger azoo unit. 40+sump=what 55 galls or so? I had the aquamedic unit and struggled, but managed a couple degree pull down on a 80 gall total volume system, but it was on constantly, and tha was all I needed 1-2 deg or so. The azoo is supposed to rated for a larger tank, so might work. Otherwise, look into aqualogic (proven, but NOISY)and arctica (new, so far good reviews, quiet, but no long term users) chillers.

04/29/2003, 03:45 PM
moonpod, I see the units at http://www.aquacave.com/Azoo%20Chillers.htm
but still need a little guidance. Do I simply purchase a pump (I assume an external one that is rated correctly) and then plumb it to the sump? Sorry, but I need my hand held here, as I have never seen one of these (a chiller) in action. No one I know, not even the LFS, has any as examples because either (1) not to many serious reef-ers around or (2) many have DIY setups or perhaps (3) most would rather lose a few fish/coral and consider it cheaper than the cost of a chiller. I want to be responsible and give my tank inhabitants optimal conditions.
thanks again

04/29/2003, 03:50 PM
Yeah, w/these do that, though even better is if you can mount the chiller on a shelf next to the tank and run the powerhead out of the tank--you want to cool the tank, not the sump. It matters a little, OR alternatively run the powerhead out of the sump through the chiller into the tank--hopefully your overflow can accomodate--how much flow is going through your return anyway? Maybe you can just plumb the return through the chiller

04/29/2003, 07:54 PM
yeah, I could put the powerhead in the tank. I was only concerned about the powerhead generating MORE heat.
I'll Private message to you if I get it done and have more questions. Thanks!