View Full Version : 75Gal Lighting

04/28/2003, 10:49 PM

I need some lighting help for a new 75Gal 48' long 21 tall tank. Would the ones from the above link work for what I have?

I will be keeping live rock and some soft corals.

Any lighting help is greatly appreciated.


04/28/2003, 10:56 PM
no you will need more lighting than that.
I did the same thing in the beginning and bought two sets of two 40 watt bulbs. ended up buying the correct thing down the road.
"premium aquatics" sells an ice cap 660/ hood complete and wired.
you will need vho, pc, or metal halide. I would go with vho
due to the downside of the other ie. too much heat from a m.h.
and not enough actinic from the pc. get the four lamp vho with a icecap fan to go with it and be done with it!
and mix the bulbs up. like two actinc and 2 aquasun or 50/50
each bulb is 110 watts to give you an idea of how under wattage you would have been if you purchased from there.

04/29/2003, 08:18 AM
For my 75 I run a pair of 400 watt 20K Radium Metal halide lights on a dual PFO 400 watt ballast. No other lighting is needed.


04/29/2003, 08:26 AM
Do you use any fans for cooling?

04/29/2003, 08:47 AM
2 4" Radio Shack fans both blowing in and the back of my canopy is mostly open for the hot air to exhaust out.


04/29/2003, 08:57 AM
I have been looking for the dual PFO ballest, do you know the model number of it.

04/29/2003, 09:26 AM
The IceCap setup described above is an exellent choice. I have that on my 55, with 2 3" IceCap smart fans. The fans run on temp sensors, they speed up the hotter the lights get. They also run very quiet. I too got the set up from www.premiumaquatics.com. Good luck!

04/29/2003, 10:27 AM
Hey mark,
look at dougchamber's tank. search is name on RC. He's got a 75.

04/29/2003, 12:08 PM

Will this setup work for me?

04/29/2003, 12:22 PM
Yep! Should work very well.

Check out this link:



04/29/2003, 12:27 PM
Thanks Bill.

I think I have it mostly figured out, probably will never have all of it figured out though.

By the way what do you do in the IT market? I work for a company in ST. Louis as the Network Admin.

04/29/2003, 12:39 PM
Hey Markk96,

I am a web server administrator for a Life Insurance Co. Primarily Microsoft IIS versions 4.0 and later.

I don't do any coding, but I am getting some good experience in that area as well.

Glad I could help and also if you are deciding to go the VHO route you probably would want to have total of 6 bulbs instead of 4. Either way it still in MO is cheaper than MH's. I have had my bulbs for almost 18 months and they are on 10hrs. a day and still things are growing just fine.
