View Full Version : pump for SCWD?

04/27/2003, 11:12 PM
I want to add about 600-900 gph of circulation to my tank, but not add too much heat or noise. I'm thinking I might go with the Iwaki MD 30RLXT, but this is not the pressure rated version. Will the SCWD make too much back pressure for this pump? The pressure rated 30 size has too low of gph, and I understand the Iwaki 40 and above have cooling fans so they are a little noisy.

04/28/2003, 05:39 PM
In response to your question on backpressure and the scwd; in a word, yes....it makes a lot of backpressure. I have a lifeguard quiet one, which loses a lot of flow when connected through the scwd. I haven't used the iwaki pumps, but many of my buddies do. Theirs aren't really that loud, but that's relative. Cooling fans on pumps always add noise, but therein lies the tradeoff. If you're running halides on your reef, the degree or two of temperature rise in your tank from ambient room temp. when using a pump without a cooling fan might be too much to bear--you may need a chiller. That is to say, in other words, a pump with a cooling fan won't raise your tank temperature nearly as much as one without the fan.