View Full Version : Hellolights XM 20000K bulbs...

04/26/2003, 05:10 PM
....anyone use these? Opinions? I tried to search but the stupid engine wanted something longer than 20K so I found little.

04/26/2003, 08:27 PM
If you look at the 400watt XM bulb on the Hellolights website it shows a tank using 6 of them. It belongs to Jim Norris and I have seen his tank in person. They produce a very nice white light. After adding the XM bulbs, he has noticed much improved coloring in his SPS corals and had continued growth of all corals. I think is has tried different bulbs to supplement them with and after using different PC bulbs he found that he liked 10k bulbs best. He as since changed the PCs to a set of VHO 10000k daylight bulbs.


04/26/2003, 08:48 PM
Well I am going for something that doesnt need supplimentation, but I am also still tossing that idea around (I dont know what I want!!). For the price I figured you couldnt beat them, but i was just curious if people are using them or not. Thanks!

mr. pluto
04/26/2003, 10:21 PM
to me they are bluer or better yet, purpler than a radium 400
both driven by hqi pfo ballast. i even switched ballast to a m59
and they seemed to whiten up a bit more but not as white
as a radium. i didn't use it longer than a week only because
i didn't want to mess with success so to speak.
but it sure looked pretty.