View Full Version : 4 pin connector question..help

Todd G.
04/26/2003, 03:42 PM
Hello All...
I am a newbie to this forum and am looking for a bit of assistance.
I want to install polarized male/female disconnect plugs in the PC lead wires running from ballast to PC sockets for canopy removal.

Does anyone know where to get 4 pin (or 5 pin.. with ground if needed-?-) plugs that would wire into the cables so you could unplug them?
Have had little luck searching for them, so far.
Todd G.

04/30/2003, 06:14 PM
Wow, this was quite a challenge, and I don't understand why it had to be. But you helped me find a great vendor/website in the process.

Go to JAMECO Electronics (http://www.jameco.com). Click on the black "Catalog" tab. There, you'll see a PDF Main Catalog link. Click it. On the next page, you can download their entire catalog in PDF format, or view individual pages in PDF format. Scroll-down and click next to get to the link to page 125 (Power Connectors). Click it and the one-page PDF loads. In the middle of the page, you'll see (I hope) exactly what you're looking for-- Molex .093" Power Connector Kits, in 2, 4 and 6 pin models.

How's that? :)

04/30/2003, 08:39 PM
Be careful of the heat value on these connectors. They are rated for a max of 105 Degrees C. Most HQI fixtures will get this hot. I know that PFO had to recall some of there HQI fixtures because of components with this rating. FWIW


Todd G.
04/30/2003, 09:07 PM
It looks like it will work!
Thank you :) !!
I am working on this 60 hex set up and it has brought new meaning to the word "complex"...
but what great reef tank isn't?
I have started the work on the canopy and it is turning into a challenge getting the 379 watts of mixed lighting in that cramped space.
BTW..I intend to post pics here some day when it is up and running.

Anyway, since there is practically no spare room in the canopy, I intend to "hide" the ballasts in a remote ballast box disguised as side table.
That is why some form of easy disconnect midway in the lead wires from ballast box to canopy will come in handy.
Those you found look like they will work well.
I had searched and I agree.. I am not sure why the heck they were so difficult to find!
Many thanks for the assistance.
Todd G.

Todd G.
04/30/2003, 09:19 PM
Doug, Good point on the 105 degrees.
I was only planning to use the 4 pin connectors in the power compact flo. leads, not the wiring for halide.
I am not sure how hot that would get.
Hmmmm....I may have to try one in a test situation before the final assembly.
Todd G.

04/30/2003, 09:35 PM
Call their customer service number and tell them you want something that can handle more heat. They are very customer friendly-- guess how I found those on page 125? :D

05/01/2003, 05:29 PM
If your using them where there is not a lot of heat your probably going to be ok. But if it doesn't cost that much more it's better to be safe than sorry.


Team Slug
05/02/2003, 01:34 PM
If you're only looking for a few connectors you can usually get samples from Molex without a problem. Go to their website and you can searc their entire catalog.
