View Full Version : Icecap ballast problem

04/25/2003, 04:19 PM
I own several Icecap ballasts, and have always found them to be an excellent product. The first Icecap I ever owned, a model 450, was in service until last year. I recently decided to use it on a new aquarium, and encountered a problem. The wiring diagram on the ballast shows the arrangement for only two lamps. It can handle up to four, and I once had it set up that way. Unfortunately, I no longer have the wiring diagram for this ballast, and the Icecap website shows diagrams only for the two flourescent models they currently sell. The two current models are totally different from the model 450, and the 450 wire harness, which I have, has a different number of differently colored wires.

I called Icecap several times, but got a live answer only once. The service specialist at Icecap told me that he "didn't know" how the 450 is supposed to be wired. I find this incredible and frustrating! This is the manufacturer, and they must have sold quite a few of these things.
I was promised a call back after the service specialist "looked through some old stuff". I have not heard from anyone at Icecap, and their phones are answered by machines. I always thought this was a first class outfit, but I've revised my opinion. If anyone has a wiring diagram for a four lamp arrangement for the 450, I would be most appreciative.

04/25/2003, 05:11 PM
post in their sponsor forum--they're pretty responsive usually.

IceCap Service
04/25/2003, 08:06 PM
I apologize for not having the 450 wiring diagrams by the phone when you called the first time. I asked if you could to call back and I would locate them. You called and left me a voice mail at 3:50 PM but I was on another line. You message asked if I could fax them to you. That would be no problem EXCEPT you did not leave a fax number or a return phone number. You may have called again later but we close at 4:00 PM.
Again I did have the wiring information but it was not readily available. We do keep it on file, I just did not have it memorized. Thats why I asked if you could call back. A return phone number in your voice mail would have solved the entire issue. I had the diagrams ready to fax. Again my apologies.

04/28/2003, 05:53 AM
What service, they found you, despite your best efforts. Ata boy icecap.

I love my 660 VHO's