View Full Version : T5 lighting and new tank

04/25/2003, 09:45 AM
I just bought a new 125 gal tank. I am looking for lighting. I would like input from those of you using T5 lighting. How well does it work? Is it a good light source? how are your corals and inverts doing? would you recommend them?.... ect. or would you recommend to go with somthing else. I will reply later today. Thank you for your input.

04/25/2003, 10:11 AM
I placed a long winded reply in a PC vs VHO thread--essentially I think it works well. What are the dimensions of your tank? If it's 6 feet long then T5 can be mildly problematic as the longest bulbs currently available are 59.5". I'm setting up a 180 right now and have decided to go w/the 5 foot setup and not place anything that needs light on the ends of the tank--ie I'm gonna center my lighting array--cause I'm getting one of those sunlight supply hoods--when they come out. Probably if you've got a canopy, a dual array of 35.5" bulbs would be better.

04/25/2003, 10:04 PM
The tank is 6 feet long. I am building my own base and canopy. Will the T5's pose a large problem for the reef tank I am establishing. I do not want to be limited. Would the T5's pose a large problem?

04/25/2003, 11:40 PM
The T5's are not a problem--just set up a twin array of 3 foot bulbs. How deep is the tank--that's the primary issue--T5's are still a linear source, not point so they don't have jack for "punch" below the 16" mark or so. ie in the 180 I'm setting up I figure nothing is gonna do so hot near the bottom except for the low light loving stuff--some shrooms and polyps....Also my "corals" are more for something to create a natural background for my fish. My tank is more about my fish than corals; ie I'm gonna have an asfur angel, assassi trigger, and purple tang in the tank for sure--as I'm sure you know, large angels and triggers don't mix well w/lots of corals......

04/26/2003, 12:15 AM
The tank is 18" deep, but I will have 3-4 inches of substrate. I think these will work. Thanks.

04/26/2003, 10:14 PM
Oh yeah dude, you'll have no problems--ask Doug Chambers--in fact I think he burned some of his SPS when he switched to T5...