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View Full Version : DIY Acrylic Corner Tank

03/21/2003, 11:33 PM
Anyone have nay experience (or opinions) on techniques for building a acrylic corner tank with a bow front?

03/21/2003, 11:40 PM
If you want a nice bowed front, the only way I know it can be done is with a mold and a large oven made for heating acrylic slowly. It might be done with differently, but that is how the big companies do it.

03/22/2003, 02:14 AM
I agree, although there is one other (expensive) option. Purchase a chunk of 4' diameter acrylic tube, and cut it in to 1/4's. Sell the other three tanks to cover the cost of the tube. :)

There is no way to cold-form cast acrylic without building in so much stress it would be in danger of shattering.

It might be possible to make an oven out of MDF or similar, and use some kind of a heating system to take it up to 250 degrees or so, then bend the part over a mold.
