View Full Version : clowns hosting in frogspawn

03/19/2003, 02:05 PM
My two mated osillerous clowns are hosting in my frogspawn, it only bothers me because now this once large and beautiful frogspawn is now all shrunken up. Will the clowns ever leave it? Will the frogspawn ever open up again with the clowns hosting in it? We noticed the clowns mating the day before the started hosting in the frogspawn. Here is pics of the frogspawn before and after the hosting

<img src="http://www.public.iastate.edu/~ndell/cs103/saltwater/corals/pinktipgreenfrogspawn.jpg">:D

<img src="http://www.public.iastate.edu/~ndell/cs103/saltwater/corals/hostinfrog.jpg">:(

Please let me know what i should or should not do.

03/19/2003, 02:15 PM
i would just leave it alone. the frogspawn should get used to it. my frogspawn hosts my occellaris and it looks fine. you should still keep a close eye on it to make sure tissue isn't receeding and it is still healthy.


03/19/2003, 02:19 PM
My clowns beat my frogspawn literally to death. :(

The only solution is to try to move the frogspawn to a different place or tank.


03/19/2003, 03:51 PM
I have had the same problem with my clowns, they love my very small torch coral and the brain I just got. They do make the corals close up after too much use but they will still open up if they are left alone. I tried moving them in my tank but they still found it so I dont know if that would help. I would just watch it closely for receding tissue like opihi said. You could also try an anemone like a BTA. I have one coming tomorrow so hopefully my clowns will leave my corals alone. If your frogspawn does start looking bad and you cant move it to another tank, you might try some sort of netting around it to let it heal. Good luck