View Full Version : Canadian reefers.. Need a beckett valve can anyone help?

02/20/2001, 09:18 PM
I am looking at building an HSA skimmer and need a beckett valve. I can't order one through Amazon and the HD here has been waiting for it's order since last fall.

If anyone can help me and other Island reefers drop me an email at darren0469@yahoo.com


02/20/2001, 11:23 PM
Abbotsford Revy is trying to get rid of old stock. They Have Becket 1408's if I remeber correctly. They are $20 bucks or so! Maybe a local Revy will have them. If not let me know and we can work something out.
PS What type of design are you using? How big is the tank? How much flow will the skimmer get?

02/21/2001, 12:34 AM
Hey if we can set something up it would be really appreciated..

They will be going into a HSA 250 DIY clone. Probably using a mag 7 or so. I will be putting two on a 90 and a 125 I am setting up currently.

I would be looking for three all together.. possibly one for another friend here on the island.

Let me know by email(darren0469@home.com) and we can figure it out.


02/21/2001, 08:19 PM
just a point....The smallest pump i would consider using w/ a beckett head is a sens900. If (big if) this mag 7 puts out more horsepower than the sens900 use it, otherwise, use the sens. Actually If i might i would recommend even a bigger pump (like a mag12). depends on your tank size. Nice thing about beckettheads the more horsepower you throw at it the more efficient it works.
Interesting, there is no size difference in beckettheads when you skim bigger tanks, the same size beckett is used to skim a 50 as for a 300gal, its just the reaction time in the skimmer and the horsepower to drive the unit.
my opinion

02/21/2001, 08:24 PM
I was talking to Canadian and he also mentioned that I will probably need to get about 1000GHP out of the pump I will need.. as well I need one that will handle back pressure. So it's going to be a different pump.. I will read about the sens900 and see if that is the route I will need to go.

Learn more each and everyday.

Thanks tho.. reinforces what I am planning.. :)