View Full Version : Rfc: hellolights.com electronic or mag-coil ballast

03/06/2003, 11:32 AM
:confused:Request for comment:
1. How much am I really saving in energy?
2. Will my bulbs last 25% longer w/ the electronic ballast?
3. Is it really worth paying $175.00 for the electronic vs $85.00 for the magnetic coil ballast?
Thanks all!


Electronic ARO Ballast Specifications
* Item Code: 61-61003
* Will fire all 250W metal halide bulbs, regardless if they are "probe start", "pulse start", HQI or Standard mogul in design. No worries with this ballast! (however, this retrofit kit is for mogul based bulbs)
* Energy Saving - up to 25% over magnetic ballasts.
* Extended Lamp Life - up to 25%
* Consistent Lamp Color.
* Uniform Lumen Output.
* Reduced Lamp Flicker.
* Cool, Silent Operation.
* Long Ballast Life.

Ballast Description
* Manufacturer: Universal/Magnatek
* Model # M250ML5AC3M718C / Description: 1-250W MH M58 Multi-5 60Hz
* Magnetic HID core and coil.

03/06/2003, 11:44 AM
I havent seen any proof which shows bulbs last longer on electronic ballasts.

It would take approximatly 2.5-3 years for you to break even if you just look at electrical usage.

However, the ballasts will also run much cooler, which might save some money on air conditioning usage.

The main advantage of the electronic ballasts is that there much smaller and lighter. You could mount them directly in the hood.

David Grigor
03/07/2003, 06:35 PM
I agree. People give them way more credit on energy savings that really are justified.

In addition, generally the only other possible advantage may be lower amps at startup. Which may make a difference in how many you can put on a circuit if you have limited amount. Electronic general ramp up amps while coil usually spike then go down to normal operating amps.

Also don't get fooled in thinking lower amps = less electricity because with A/C current that isn't always true and depends on the power factors of the ballast you are comparing......

03/10/2003, 12:00 PM
Thanks all,
It's the Magtinic retrofit + 250W, 10kK Aqualine AB it is!
I have a 175w 12kK over a clam, but I'll turn it into a 175w 20kK


03/13/2003, 11:29 AM
I read an article that says electronic ballast does not save you with electric bill. It's lighter and smaller. Manufacturers intends to make them with energy saving in their mind. But that is just intention.

03/13/2003, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by kotoma
I read an article that says electronic ballast does not save you with electric bill. It's lighter and smaller. Manufacturers intends to make them with energy saving in their mind. But that is just intention.

Electronic ballasts are more efficient than magnetic ballasts. How much of that translates into savings on your electric bill depends on what ballasts your comparing.

03/14/2003, 10:31 AM
I was fairly convinced by this thread that magnetic ballests would be the way to go, since electric dosnt seem to save that much money, but then I heard that electric ballests dont humm, and I thought "I didnt know magnetic ones humm", is this true? and if so is it loud and annoying like some of those outdoor lights? If they can really humm perhaps it would be better to get the electric ones?

03/14/2003, 10:45 AM
Well, I cant hear mine over the gentle flow of water to the sump...

With the stand doors closed you cant hear either one.