View Full Version : Possible Emerald Crab Larvae?

03/02/2003, 11:10 PM
I'm back and I've taken a few more bad photo's. I believe these to be possibly emerald crab larvae, but wanted to get a second opinion. It was very difficult to photograph these guys with my current equipment, but I had to take a swing at it. I witnessed 2 of my emeralds dancing togther about a week ago and am just hoping that this could be an after-effect of said dance. Bad photos to follow.

03/02/2003, 11:11 PM
2nd image.

03/02/2003, 11:12 PM
Lastly, one group of them.

03/02/2003, 11:17 PM
Sorry goning to try one image a bit bigger.

03/02/2003, 11:26 PM
Sorry Chris,

All I see are blurry spots.

03/03/2003, 05:02 AM
Originally posted by Tank
Sorry goning to try one image a bit bigger.

Sharper and bigger image would have helped a lot, but the shape of the body and the large eyes suggests it's crustacean larvae, not e.g. small mysids.
If they're crab zoea larvae they'll at that stage have a long spine on the back, aimed posteriorly - I think I can see that on the largest picture but am not sure. You've got the original pics & access to the larvae - do they look like this: http://www.serc.si.edu/photo_contest/images/winners2/Alicia-2.jpg ?

If so they're crab larvae, and may well be from your emerald.

03/03/2003, 01:17 PM
Yes they do look very similar to that photo Mike. Sorry Ron, it was almost impossible to get even the images that I did. Night photos, and the fact that these guys never sit still. Maybe I should have snagged a few out of the tank and took photos on a backlit white sheet? Next time I will try a bit harder. Hopefully some of them made it to my refugium and will develope there. Thanks again guys.