View Full Version : Can anyone identify this coral?

03/02/2003, 09:08 PM
I have searched extensively, but cannot identify this coral. The guy I got it from a long time ago said it was Sinularia, but I just can't put my finger on it.


03/02/2003, 09:46 PM
Looks like an Alcyonium species(finger leather) check out Eric's book.."Aquarium Corals" on page125. I don't think Sinularia have brown polyps like that.


03/03/2003, 09:45 AM
Alcyonium has been reassigned to only contain temperate species.

As to what it is, one or two types of polyps, soft or firm, slippery or rough, polyps retract, contract, or neither...by night or day or neither, and colony contract a lot or a little or never?

03/03/2003, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by EricHugo
Alcyonium has been reassigned to only contain temperate species.

As to what it is, one or two types of polyps, soft or firm, slippery or rough, polyps retract, contract, or neither...by night or day or neither, and colony contract a lot or a little or never?

To answer the questions. I just fingered the polyps. They are soft, slippery. The polyps retract when they feel like it. (I just touched them and all retracted) The polyps are more reddish in real life. I would say the colony only retracts a little if at all. When the polyps retract it is whitish.

Does that help??

03/03/2003, 01:32 PM
Hi Bob:

As you may know, these soft corals are extremely difficult to ID, even to genus level. Just read Eric's articles in "advanced aquarist".

If I had to venture a guess and from your description, I would say Cladiella sp. BUT, that's just a guess on my part!

In order to get this to species, you would have to do a lot of work which ultimately would probably require genetic typing!

03/03/2003, 10:16 PM
From all the guessing, and looking at pictures, I am now again beginning to think Cladiella Sp., and using a common name we will go with "Encrusting Colt"

03/04/2003, 09:30 AM
I woudl agree it fits it well with a tentative designation of Cladiella. Good job guys!