View Full Version : Mixing BTA's

02/18/2003, 01:30 PM
I recently recieved an email from jbf16falcon who said that he has had problems when trying to introduce a green BTA into his rose anemone tank. He believes it is some kind of chemical competition. I was wondering if anyone esle has experienced this. I currently have a green BTA in with a small rose BTA and they both seem to be doing well. Am I headed for problems? I know the theory is not to mix species of anemones but I thought multiple BTA's would be OK. Any experiences or thoughts are appreciated.

02/18/2003, 09:31 PM
i actually think that if it were the same bta (If it split) then there would never be problems because it wouldn't recognize another anemone. But, if it's 2 diff bta's and or a regular bta and a rose then they might wanna fight because even though they are the same species, they would still have to fight for space in the ecosystem in the wild. This is especially true because if you think about it, two of the same species will be competing for the same food or best spot.